Passionate About Happy Life

Life is beautiful like a small child. Here I am to share with you my own beautiful experience, my life is amazing and beautiful, life was not always like this, I faced lots of struggle, obstacles and failures. Then one-day magic happen and life got changed forever, positive things started to happen. It was immense happiness, I felt a deep relief at that time, everything was so beautiful, so pure and peaceful. It was like I am enough for myself. I am a pure soul.
Around a few years ago I got a spiritual awakening. It was a lovely experience like I took birth again in this beautiful world with unknown things, which I never knew before. Everything was new for me! nature, people, ocean, earth, relationship and above all life. I never felt like this before in my life. I started to notice everything about other people's conversation, food, lifestyle, anger, frustration and hate. Then I realize I was the same person as other people who are really scared and awful from their life. Then I started to think, why me? why this is happening to me and from where I am getting this wonderful experience, why only me? Am I a god? Then I started to research those people who were already experiencing this beautiful life. Then I found I was not only the one, even millions of people out there who have experienced and still experiencing this magic. I did research on lifestyle, food, words, habits, love, thoughts and amazing people. For me this was magic. While research I saw many wonderful people who have experienced this awakening, even stronger than me. They are amazing, successful, happy, healthy, wealthy and different from other people.
I am not a spiritual guru or physiologist. I am only sharing my own life experience with you, how I found myself and the greatest version of myself. Everybody on this planet has a right to change their life for good, you are born to be happy, healthy and wealthy. It's not a coincidence that few are wealthy and few are poor. Behind this science, there are few formulas which everybody has to apply in their life. Formulas are really simple. Once you apply the formula you will be in immense happiness.
There are a few simple things which I applied in my life and I want you to apply in your life as well for better. Get to know more about myself follow my videos on youtube and blogs. Hope my experience will change your life for good.
Thank You!