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If I say my life has changed for better and I changed in a better way then meditation has a big role to change my life. Meditation taught me about relationships, food, exercise, personal growth and spiritual awakening. I am not a saint or a guru who can teach you about mediation but from almost last 3 years I am doing meditation every day, while meditation I have felt that powerful energy which exists in us. I experienced amazing things while meditation which I wanted to share with you. Meditation has lots of benefits which can change your life. I am still learning about meditation from my mentors and meditation centres. Through meditation, you feel relaxed, peaceful, happy, calm, empath, and plenty more which I will share with you in this blog.
What is meditation: This is my own definition of meditation which I personally experienced in my life and I would like to share with you. Please follow the definition mention below:
Definition: Meditation is energy, peace, calm, god, life-changing medicine, no anxiety, no depression, more happiness, no range, no jealousy, no bickering, no gossiping, health, wealth, abundance, money, focus, motivation, universe, low of attraction, lightning, friends, parents, relatives, self love, self esteem and everything of my life birth to death.
If I explain to you in simple words, above one is the definition of meditation for me. Meditation is everything for me and I never ever wants to lose this habit from my life. I don't know from where this habit came to me and where and how I started mediation and I don't remember the first day of meditation. This is funny but this is true. It is a magical and life-changing thing which I experienced. This is a beautiful experience. When I start first time meditation I do remember those magical days with deep happiness and empathy for others. If people say anything against to me I had empathy for them because something or someone inside me telling something there is no mistake of them and smile was always there in my mouth and they kept saying and saying still smile was on my mouth. Truly it was magical. Along with this, there are lots of things changed in my life which is mention below pointwise. Please read them hope you will inspire by these words because this is real, not just a story.
1. Behaviour and Empath for others: In my early twenties I was known as a bad behaviour girl. People came to me and said to me that you should change your behaviour or they say you are an arrogant and fully attituded girl and when I heard them I never accept my mistakes or problems instead, I start to point out finger on them and start gossiping about them. But somewhere inside me, I was assured to change my behaviour so that people will start to like me and appreciate me. I was sad, unhappy and depressed because I never took responsibilities for my own things. Today I have peace, calmness and politeness to others. I always accept my mistakes and apologise to them If I do something wrong. My behaviour changed just after my meditation period. If somebody says something to me then I always feel this is an innocent poor soul, I forgive you and I forgive my self and I apologise if they got hurt just because of me.
2. No Depression, no fear: I was a depressed girl and lots of fear before my meditation. There are many reasons for my depression and fear. I had no purpose, no goal and no standard. I always watch others life, never focused on me. It was a health issue because I always pick unhealthy and junk food there were no standard relations with others. My complete life was a mess in a nutshell that's why I was depressed and lots of fear in me. After meditation, I heard from a powerful energy about my purpose and when I started work on me and on my purpose then everything around me was beautiful. There were no depression and no fear. I was full of life with a big smile
3. Life Purpose: Everybody has a life purpose, If you are here in this planet earth then you are here for a purpose and if you know your purpose and you are working on your purpose then you are living and winning your life. I was wasting my life to see others and overthinking about others, oh why they did it to me, how dare she think of herself, why he or she didn't wish me today is something wrong, why the company is hiring another person If I am fulfilling their needs. This was the only job I was doing in my life. Thinking about society and others. Because I was not aware of my life purpose. Meditation taught me you have an amazing purpose work on that and today I am working only on me and on my purpose. I have no time for overthinking.
4. Focus: Meditation teaches you about focus. When you do meditation then you only focus on your breath and one thing which is in your imagination, if thoughts are coming continuously then again you try to come on that imagination and focus on the particular image. I can say here it can be your concentration practice also focus on one thing. Same like meditation tells you to focus on one thing at a time. If you have four things in your mind to complete then it is impossible to complete even one.
5. Health, Exercise and Food: Nature or universe has given beautiful food on this planet earth. When I start first-time meditation then magically I found those amazing people who were meditative and vegan. I am not a vegan but I learned a lot from them about food. If you have good food inside you then meditation will be more powerful and peaceful. Always pick healthy green juice, nuts, vegetables, fruits instead of burger or pizza. Right food will give you the right direction of your life. After meditation, I started yoga and started to eat healthy food. Because of this my days always peaceful and productive. My work was good enough to satisfy the company and clients.
6. Happiness, Peace and Calm: I am a happy, peaceful and calm person because I do meditation every day. Every day every human on this planet earth get 60,000 thoughts in their mind, now imagine how busy and continuously working your mind. Every night when a human sleeps then mind stops for few minutes but other time it started work again. In this situation, a human feel unhappy and depressed, so being this reason meditation is important for the calmness. While a medication situation person has very fewer thoughts and relaxes process which gives more energy to the human body and a person get more relaxation and peace in their body.
7. Relationships with others and with myself: My relations was messed up with family, friends and relatives. I was alone and depressed. Meditation helps me with my relations When I apologise more and accepted my self fully then everything started well with relations. Today I have good friends, good relations with parents and siblings. I always feel good with them and get lots of appreciation. I love them and they love me and most important I love myself unconditionally.
8. Self Esteem and self-confidence: There is no fear, no depression, no anger, no anxiety, no range nothing at all only me and myself. When I start to love myself I built confidence in me. I have the self-esteem to do anything. Meditation will help you with your confidence and your self-esteem. I have all the abilities to do everything or anything in this beautiful life which God gave me because I am a child of God who stays in me as an energy.
9. Mentors: I found many mentors during my early meditation time and I learned those things which I always wish to know early. But it's ok I am so grateful for all these legends on this planet earth. I am still learning from them about life, success, peace, relations, Business and plenty more.
10. Money, wealth, abundance: I am so grateful for my abundance, when you working on your life then life starts to show you magic and you working on your purpose then things started to unfold for you and you realize how this magic is happening. I am so grateful I found meditation and I am so grateful for everything in my life. I started travelling, I rent my own apartment, I have good plans for my future and list goes on.
Why Meditation is important: Meditation is important because this is a life-changing thing. We all are human and we have an amazing mind and this is really powerful. This is the most single thing which God has given us. If we use this in the correct way then it works like a wonder and amazing, magical things start to happen. We all heard about our early life when we all were monkeys, as history said we are the generation of monkeys. Then slowly generation by generation body started to change and today we are human in this planet earth with an amazing mind. My point is we had nothing in our hand but using mind we are in the great technology world. If we go in that past life then we can't even imagine this life. Because at that time we were not even aware of the fire. So think like this if a human can reach here then how the future seems to be like? But with all these amazing things we are not happy and satisfied, why? If we have everything then why we are not happy? Have you ever asked this question to you? Now its time to calm and relax our mind, and meditation is the only way for improving good life. We had fewer things to spend in our past life, at that time we had no pizza or burger we only pick the fruit from the tree and ate them. But now we have food in different varieties all around the world, which is really harmful.
If someone is succeeding then society started to point on them or friends point on them. They are worried about how they are doing this and he or she is happy and succeeding in their life. There are many things happening in this life you all are aware of them. Why this is happening because mind works like this. So what you have to do control your mind by doing meditation. That's why Meditation is important.
How meditation impact in your life: After reading all the above section you might know how meditation impact in your life. Meditation is magic which can change your life. Start meditation today and you will be healthier and happier. You are not here for a living an ordinary life, this planet is your home so don't think about bungalow, nature has given you food so don't think about food. Sun is for light and moon is for night sleep. You don't need expensive lighting. Enjoy nature. Don't look at on society what they want from you. Listen to your heart and follow them you will be on the right path. If you are on the right path and if you are following your purpose then you will be the happiest person in the whole world even after you are homeless or jobless.
How to do meditation: There are a few steps which are important to follow:
1. Sitting Position: You can sit anywhere for mediation even in the chair. Purpose of the meditation is only feeling a powerful energy and calm the mind. Always sit with straight spin and with the straight face.
2. Close eyes: Close your eyes and relax your brows.
3. Straight hands with straight spin(Full Lotus position): My position is full lotus position or padmasana sthiti but in this position, I don't cross my legs fully I keep my one leg on another leg. This is completely optional because you can do meditation on a chair too with two terms straight spin and with finger crossed. Relax your body completely. Relax your head, ear, eyes, lips, tung, chin, neck, back, throat, shoulders, arms. hands, fingers, chest, stomach, abdominal area, hips, legs, feet, toe.
4. Focus on breath: Now focus on your breath, jjjjjjjjjust relaxed. Feel how amazing you are alive and you are experiencing some magical world with the strange body. Where you are, who you are. If thoughts are coming then let them come, don't worry, go back and focus on your breath. You are breathing from where this is coming. Keep breath till a magical light not coming
5. Focus on light: Now you are experiencing a magical light. Only focus on that light watch that light until your complete body is not in the light.
6. Focus on one image: Once you are in the light vision beautiful things like your future with a beautiful partner, your relations are beautiful with parents and others and more beautiful things
Note: Start meditation today, If you are starting for the first time then start with 2 to 5 minutes
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